viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007

Description of an accesory - By Sebastian Draaisma

I am as dark as a cold winter night, as orange as leaves on an autumn day. I am as comfy as a hot bath in a cold winter. As posh as a prada catwalk, I hang. As majestic as a monarch, asa heavy armored guard, I cover you. I fight fiercely against the mighty wind, giving my life to spare yours. Then, the raging rain strikes and pierces through me, causing injury and distress. Retreating and fleeing, I run for my life.

Now in the hospital, I recover from all my injuries,but whenever someone needs my service for protection, I am ready for a revenge against the fearless rain and bellowing wind.

This is a video related to the mighty rain and wind (uruk hai) and the heavy armored guards (men).

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