domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007

Describing an accesory- Gina

I am a lovely swimsuit.

Hello! My nickname is "Trendy" because I'm the coolest and trendiest swimsuit in the whole world!

I am as smooth as silk and I come in a range of colourful and shinny designs.

I always turn heads because I'm really cool and I help people to win in their competitions.

I am light and this helps people to swim faster.

I am a lovely swimsuit because even though I'm famous and beautiful, I am nice with people.

I am very funny and people say I always make them laugh.

I'm as cool as a top model because I'm always with fashion.

I am super special because I have gone to many competitions around the world.

I'm a helpful swimsuit and I'm really happy to be who I am.

I like to be loved because I make people happy.

The end.

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