Hi my name is Mariana, something that motivates me are all my friends that are helping me in everything I need. Also, school motivates me to achieve good grades in all subjects. I enjoy swimming with my friends. When I want to relax, I listen to calm music.
I'm motivated by my friends in school and outside of school because I get inspired and its nice to have someone to talk to.
Also, I am motivated by 80's music because it makes me happy. My favorite 80's song is called "Jony B. Goode". My favorite game is called "World of Warcraft".
Hi! my name is Eugenia I´m motivated at school because I want to learn new and interesting things,I want to be prepared for the future and have excellent grades! another thing that motivates me are my friends they always make me feel good. I love to play football and hang out with my buddies, I am a visual learner because I learn through colours and pictures.
Hi, my name is Alejandro, what motivates me in school is increasing my knowledge,I also like being with my friends. I dont see teachers as a "teacher" I see them as a person that guides the team and helps us to move on.
I like a lot the new ways Miss Thompson is working with English, I didn´t think that English could be a subject I ENJOYED!!!!!
I enjoy playing the guitar I've been playing for about 2 years I think I'm realy good at it!!!!!
When i want to relax and study I listen to calm music; the song that relaxe's me the most is sang by Israel Kamakawiwole as he makes a mixture of "Somwhere Over The Rainbow" and "What a Wonderful World".
What I enjoy the most is spend time with my Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, my name is Farid. I am twelve years old. In some way, I like school. I like having interesting subjects like History and Geography or other fun subjects like English, Drama, P.E., etc...But what makes me work so hard? Or,what motivates me at school? Simple, I like getting good grades and rewards. I like to get appraises from teachers. Also, my friends last year really made my attitude improve very much. However, it is not the only thing that motivates me to work hard at school. My grandfather (my mother's father) was a very polite and intelligent student at his school. I just want to be like him. My grandfather was good at maths and science. He became an engineer. Its intriguing, but I just want to be like him in the future! In fact, I can see myself working for a F-1 team now! I hope its a good one though, I would not like working for BMW. But, I don't spend all day studying or reading, in fact, I do all the opposite, I listen to music or do something interesting like going out to the garden and play some football. I like playing football. But, it is boring watching it. That is why I prefer watching american football with much more emotion and contact.
There are lots of songs I like but I particularly like this one from coldplay. It is called "In my place". It helps me concentrate and relaxes my mind. Yeah.
Hi mi name is Maria.My motivations are getting good grades and my friends. I love to travel,play tennis,listen to music and chat with my friends. I am a visual learner I learn by looking at examples. My favorite subjects are English and Drama because they are fun.Im really exited to be in yr8.
Hi im Diego what motivates me in school is my friends and my teachers. I like listening to music al the time when im doing homework y listen to calm music so i can relax this is my favorite band ac dcthis is my favorite skater rodney mullen
Hi I am Pamela I love dancing and enjoy to be with my friends. At school I want to achieve good grades in all of my subjects. I love English and Drama because they are fun! I am a visual and kinasthetic learner and I learn through colours, pictures and movement.
Hi I am Alberto, something that motivates me are my friends to see them triumph but my true motivation is a good SEP grade(secretary of public education) so I can have a good education, future and career.
Normally, when I want to relax I listen to calm music, such as The Star Wars sound track as it helps me concentrate.
After a lot of stress, I enjoy playing games like the video below.
My name is Omar. What motivates me in school are my friends that make you feel more comfortable in class; the teachers make you understand things that are hard to see in different ways. My learning styles are to review quiet a lot to stick information in my head. When I grow up I want to be an attorney like my dad and help people make business.
MynameisSHANE. I ammotivatedbygettinggood grades andworkinghardinEnglishclass. Myfriendsmotivate me to do betterinschool. I likelearningaboutdifferentwaystoobtainmypotential. I amexitedto be inyear 8.
Thisisoneofmyfavouritesongsintheworld. Itiscalled ´Thisiswhy I amhot´ anditisbyMIMS.
My name is LUISA!!. What motivates me in school are the SEP GRADES, have a nice life and to have fun.My way to learn is having a neat and clean notebook.I am exited about english because I can do my homework throgh the internet and i have the best English teacher. On my free time dance, paint and play the piano.
The things that motivate me in school are the following: To have good SEP grades, to have fun and also because if I do well I will have a good curriculum so when I am older and looking for a job I would be able to get a job very easy. My way of learning listening mozart music or relaxing music and that helps me concentrate so I am able to do my work correctly, neat and nice. I am really exited about English because I like these new ways of doing my homework using this fabulous Web Blog. When I have my free times I spend them being sure that I have done all my homework and also making sure that my bedroom is organized and clean. On the next page there is a video of the type of music I like. Thanks Julian
I am andres, the three things that motivate me at school are my friends, the break because its a time eat, play, talk and have fun. the last thing that motivates me are fun classes like english and science.
The song that makes me happy is grow up and the songs that helps me concentrate are the orchestra calm music.
Hello, my name is Sebastian. One thing that motivates me at school are my friends because they keep me happy and we always help each other when we need to. This year I went to Cancun, and one of the activies of the hotel wasthat we had to go on a rally treasure hunt.Even if we arrived in last place, we still finished the race. I am inspired by my uncle who just left to Oxford this year and he inspires me because he never gave up until he had completed his goal. I am more of a visual learner because I like seeing people how they do things. One of my favourite movies is Transformers because it has great spaecial effects. Sometimes, when I do my homework, I listen to The Beatles and one of my favourite songs is "Hard Day's Night."
6) Describe what you see yourself doing in the futue; When I grow up I would love to be a graphic designer although my personality is kinesthatic and not visual I love designing stuff, especially cars. I liked cars since I was little and designing them has always been my passion. I always drew cars in my notebooks and they were really horrible but now I think I am really good at it so I am working hard to be one of the best. I would love to work for an important company such as Porsche®. I want to live in Italy because I love italians, their culture and their food. Also because the most important sports cars brands are originated from Italy and it will be much easier to get a job there; Study my career will be much easier because there are many universities based on graphic designing. I would particulary like to live in Rome because I have seen lots of photos of it and people tell me wonderful things about it although I have not been there. I would also love to be really good at tennis because I have been playing since I was four years old. I love this sport and it makes me realase my feelings when I am feeling sad or angry and relax. I want to have a family; one boy and one girl and a lovely wife and live with them in Italy. I want to be millionaire as well but by working hard every day, not by being lazy, so I can feel proud of myself for working hard everyday. I love to feel proud of my work, it makes me confident and and a better person as well as more happy. I would love to become this when I grow up, if I achieve this I will complete my lifelong dream and probably be happy for the rest of my life although my aspirations can change with time, that is what I want to be in the future and I now I can achieve this because it is not impossible.
Hello!!! My name is Gina. I´m motivated at school because I want to learn new and interesting things,I want to be prepared for the future and have excellent grades! Three things that motivate the way I spend my free time are: having fun, being healthy and happy! Also having a good relationship with my friends and family. In a national swimming competition I won the first place (even though I was tired) because I know I could! I learn by reading carefully my notes until I undersatand them.
My name is Claire Thompson. I am motivated at school by allowing students to access learning through a range of mediums. I aim to make learning challenging, demanding and more improtantly rewarding and fun!
I am a kinasthetic and visual learner and enjoy learning by doing and also creating! I am excited about being your teacher this year!